How To Change Facebook Profile Name Before 60 days Limit

How To Change Facebook Profile Name Before 60 days Limit

Facebook is best place to interact with friends by doing chatting or other activities. Facebook is also best way to spend extra time online. We can easily know what is in the trend and viral. Basically we use Facebook to share status, images form our memories. But to use Facebook we have to add some personal information which is required by Facebook to make user experience better. We add personal details like bio, status, date of birth and use our name on the profile. So that, it will easy for someone to find us on Facebook.
Every Facebook user have a same intention for example we want ours friends to do comments, likes on our status and pics. In the same way we use different types of names to make profiles unique and attractive. As i already posted trick about making single name Facebook account. Which is working great from a long time. But the problem which we face on Facebook is, We can't able to make changes in name after limit. Facebook also provide official form to Change Name After crossing name limit. But the new issue arise by Facebook is we can't even able to change name below 60 days once we done it.

Steps To Change Facebook Name Before 60 Day's Limit

  • First of go to 'Account settings' and click on 'Edit name' and confirm that Limit is currently present or not.
  • If the limit will be present Name will not be clickable and there should be a note about name change limit Which looks like.
You can't change your name right now because you've already changed it within the last 60 days. Learn more.

  • After checking out limit if you want to continue to change name then Click Here
  • Click on the Continue button. This link is actually for securing and recovering account from hacked. So we will use it to recover our account and it will let us to change name in further steps.
  • Change your Account password and but don't need to change any other information like email, mobile no etc.
  • After continuing they will show that you have recently changed your account name.
  • Then all the previously used names will displayed and select any of the listed name available there.
Note:- By Using this method you can change name infinite time whenever you want but the limitation is that we cannot able to use new name. So if you want to use new name then you can try request form or only part which left is waiting for 60 days.

I hope you enjoy this trick and don't forget to share this with others also.

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