Apple to add Galaxy S4 to second Samsung patent infringement lawsuit

Apple to add Galaxy S4 to second Samsung patent infringement lawsuit

Galaxy S4
In preparation for its second patent trial against Samsung scheduled for Spring 2014, Apple has revealed it will seek to include Samsung's new Galaxy S4 smartphone in a list of 22 products it believes infringe iOS user interface patents. As part of its statement filed with the US District Court in California yesterday Apple said it analyzed the Galaxy S4 after its release, and has "concluded that it is an infringing device and accordingly intends to move for leave to add the Galaxy S4 as an infringing product."
Apple should be removing products from its list, not adding them
In order to add the Galaxy S4 to a list of infringing products it originally filed in August 2012, Apple will "eliminate (without prejudice)" one of Samsung's accused smartphones and tablets — which already include the Galaxy SII, Galaxy Note & Note II, and the Galaxy Nexus (full list in source link below). It has also been ordered to comply with Judge Lucy Koh's request to limit the number of patent claims and infringing devices ahead of next year's trial. Apple had originally gone after the Galaxy S III back in June, when it tried to have US sales of the device stopped before it was even launched.
Samsung also has its own list of infringing Apple products — ranging across the iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod, Apple TV lines — but the company hasn't amended its statement just yet. While the court wants Apple and Samsung to remove products from their lists, Apple believes the Galaxy S4 poses a more immediate threat than at least one of the other Galaxy devices it has already named.

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