How to go offline on Facebook Messenger App

How to go offline on Facebook Messenger App

One of the biggest concerns I keep hearing about the new Facebook Messenger App is that of privacy. People don’t want to appear online or “available” at all times. I happen to be one of them.

I resisted the app as long as I could, but when I began receiving messages that I was unable to access without Messenger, I had no choice.

On my phone, Facebook is almost always active, even when I am not – that was a problem. I am also one of those who has limited my “availability” to daytime hours. I like to spend my evening hours in a bit of a shutdown mode – or one that is reserved for FUN social media interactions or reading/learning on topics that are outside of my normal “work” related topics.

If you are anything like me and would like to use the Facebook Messenger App while remaining in “stealth mode” there is a way.

On the image provided below – you will see how to access the app and adjust your settings so that you always appear offline – as far as the app is concerned.

facebook messenger appear offline

Follow these steps:

1. Open your Facebook Messenger App

2. Click on People (item A)

3. Click on Active (item B)

4. Slide your switch to the OFF position (item C)

You will now appear offline on Facebook Messenger – you will still be able to receive your messages and replay whenever you like – you just won’t be readily available for chatting when it’s not so convenient for you.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I love digging in and researching this kind of thing.

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