Building An Effective Back-link System

Building An Effective Back-link System

Have you ever visited sites like where you were given the opportunity to “rate” people based on their photos?Each time you voted, the image would be given “weight” within the system and would therefore appear more frequently whenever new visitorsbrowsed through the image gallery.Back-links work in a similar way, with each back-link directing people toyour website being equivalent to a “vote”.The more back-links you have, the easier it is to secure your position withinthe search engines and influence search results so that your website isconsidered relevant and appears more frequently.It’s no wonder that so many people have turned their attention to buildingan expansive, solid system consisting of hundreds of permanent back-links.Organic FREE search engine traffic consists of some of the most targeted,relevant visitors you’d ever get, and if you are able to secure your positionwithin the top search results for highly targeted keywords, you couldeliminate any need to pay a fortune in pay per click marketing.Plus, the traffic you do receive will be exceptionally targeted, and far moreinterested in the products or services you are offering.So, since back-links play such an important role in your ability to generatetraffic and effectively launch your website so that you are able to maximize exposure and build brand awareness, your question should be:
“How the heck do I begin to build back-links?”
Before I answer that, (and I will show you exactly how to set up anincredibly effective back-link system), there is something you should keepin mind when you begin to develop back-links for your website.Search engines determine how relevant (and important) your website is notjust by the NUMBER of back-links pointing to your website but by WHO islinking to you.This means that not only do you want to focus on building a high number ofback-links but that you also want to focus on quality back-links that are housed on authority sites.

QUALITY and QUANTITY are equally important when building your back-link system, and don’t kid yourself, if the search engines are forced tochoose between the two (and if you have an equal number of back-links asa competitor in your niche), the “vote” will go for the site with the highestnumber of quality back-links.This means that you want to do your best to develop back-links onestablished websites in your niche. These are sites that have been aroundfor quite some time, have developed a following, established a communityand of course, receive a significant amount of traffic each day.While you can (and should) incorporate a variety of back-links into yoursystem, including links from authority sites that may not be directly focusedon the same topic or theme as your website, always keep in mind thatincoming links from quality websites will always play a greater role inmaximizing your search engine ranking and overall exposure.There are many different ways to begin your link building campaign andwhile many of the traditional strategies can be time consuming, once youhave developed a solid back-link structure and begin to increase yoursearch engine positioning, you will be able to easily maintain it.Let’s take a look at the most effective methods of building back-links.

Source : TopSourcesForFreeBacklinks Book

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