Using SEOmonitor to craft an SEO proposal your clients can't refuse - SEO Keywords Tools

Using SEOmonitor to craft an SEO proposal your clients can't refuse - SEO Keywords Tools

With more than 36,500,000 results for “seo services” and only 27 100 monthly searches, seo professionals are fighting a crowded market to win the hearts and wallets of potential clients.
Yet, crafting an SEO proposal that stands out from the crowd is not an easy task. The outline reflects your internal process, the kind of tactics you use, how you measure success and what are the results you will be bringing to your clients.
Here is a 5 step roadmap that will help you create a very effective pitch :
  • #1 Identify market potential
  • #2 Understand current website performance (T0) : non brand organic traffic data
  • #3 Analyze the key phrases that are more likely to convert
  • #4 Compare prospect’s website visibility to its competitors
  • #5 Set Smart Goals

#1 Identify market growth potential

To identify the market potential of your prospect, you will need to research for all the relevant key phrases that people use to reach your client's website and measure their total search volume. However, searching for hundreds or even thousands of keywords can be a daunting task.
Once you activate a client account in SEOmonitor, it will automatically generate all the relevant key phrases that you can use to drive traffic to the website along with their corresponding value metrics such as current rankings, search volume, difficulty, etc . Keywords are grouped together in folders, according to their semantic fields to help you understand the market potential for each business segment. You can also use the Keyword Research Sectionto look for new keyword opportunities and refine your selection.
To accurately measure the market growth potential for your SEO proposal, you can filter out the keywords for which you already rank in the first page. The keywords that remain represent your new market that you can tap into.

#2 Understand current website performance (T0) : non brand organic traffic data

The most important thing clients care about are results. Real results measured in terms of traffic, conversions and revenue. Knowing where your prospect’s website stands will help you set the right goals and differentiate in your SEO proposal.
The biggest challenge here is related to not-provided keyword data. With Google hiding more than 80% of keyword data under (not-provided) it’s almost impossible to estimate how much of your Organic Traffic is related to your brand and how much is non brand. Using Organic Traffic as a whole to set objectives is clearly misleading for your client since SEO performance will be related to their branding activities and campaign integration.
By using Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools data, SEOmonitor can help you disclose not-provided keyword performance and automatically segment brand and non brand traffic for the last 3 months.
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#3 Analyze the key phrases that are more likely to convert

Bringing traffic to your client may not be enough. If you will be doing SEO for ecommerce, your client will definitely be looking at the conversions and revenue generated by SEO.
You can use SEOmonitor Opportunity Feature to select the keywords that have a low degree of difficulty and are most likely to convert and even estimate the amount of revenue that each keyword will bring if it ranks in Top 3. Now you have a keyword focus list to prioritize. Less resources spent for more revenue.
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#4 Compare prospect’s website visibility to its competitors

This is one of the most powerful assets you can have in your SEO proposal. There are many managers and business owners out there that are obsessed with their competition. Outlining how they stand against their most fearful competitors will give you a head start in winning them over.
Use SEOmonitor Competition Insights to show you the Top competitors for your keyword list or choose any website you may like, depending on each client situation. The visibility score is a macro indicator that shows you how visible is your website, based on the search volume and rankings of your keyword list. In the example below, has a visibility score of 21% and wins him with 3%.
You can use the visibility score for different groups to find exactly where your prospects’ competitors are more visible : classical book, literature, science fiction ?

#5 Set Smart Goals

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Even if this is the last step, it’s the hardest and the one that will make the difference between your SEO proposal and other SEO professionals or agencies.
By analyzing the current performance of the website, the market potential, the opportunities and the competition you should be able to understand and estimate where your client can be in one year, in two years and so on.
The goals you set are dependant on your skills and expertise and are part of an empirical process. Still, it’s important to stress the necessity of setting SMART goals for your SEO campaign. With SEOmonitor, you can set and monitor organic non brand visits as well as the visibility score for your clients. This will come in handy when you will experience drops in traffic and you will want to asses if it’s related to seasonality or SEO issues.

You can now have a hard to refuse SEO Proposal in minutes that will help you bring more new business. Optimize your time with the SEO proposal and spend more on creating a relationship with your prospect.

Tag : SEO,Keywords,Tools

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