How To Fix Insufficient Storage Available In Android Smartphones?

How To Fix Insufficient Storage Available In Android Smartphones?

The internal memory of the Android Smartphone’s is not very large. When you download the apps from Google Play Store, they get saved in the phone and occupy a large space. Only a few apps can be saved in the phone memory and once the space is full, you get an error message “Insufficient Storage Space”. As it is a very common problem, therefore there are many users who are facing this issue. You will certainly want to get rid of this issue so that you are able to download more apps and enjoy them on your device.

How To Fix Insufficient Storage Available In Android Smartphones

Here are the best methods that can be followed to overcome the message of “Insufficient Storage Space”.

Use Lucky Patcher App

The Lucky Patcher is one of the best apps that can be used to overcome the problem of insufficient storage space. This app is free and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

Step 1 – Just download the app from Play Store and install it.

Step 2 – Now run the app, explore the menu and find the option of troubleshooting

Step 3 – Reboot the device by selecting the option “remove fixes and backups”.

With the help of this app you will be able to troubleshoot all the problems and fix the bugs. Whenever you get the error message, just use this app and your problem will come to an end.

If the above method does not work, you can follow the next method which is discussed below.

Step 1 – Before you begin with the process, you need to download and install the Java Development Kit on your PC.

Step 2 – Next download the Android SDK

Step 3 – Go to the Start Menu, type “cmd”, right click on it and run as administrator. A dialog box will appear before you, just click yes.

Step 4 – Now in command prompt, type “cd C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdkplatform-tools”.

Step 5 – Take your Android devices in hand, look for Settings option, go to Applications and then find the option of Development. Enable the USB debugging option and connect your phone to the PC via data cable

Step 6 – Follow the below commands; adb shell pm getInstallLocation and assign 3 location values

0 [auto] – This will be given by the system

1 [internal] – Install your application in the phone memory

2 [external] – Install your application in SD card

These are the three settings that you have to make. Once these are done, you can now change the location to 2 [external] which is your SD card. In this way, you will be able to install any number of applications because now all the apps will be saved on the SD card. Disconnect your phone from the PC so that you are able to use the device to install the apps.

So these are the two ways which can be used to overcome the problem of insufficient storage space. As the steps are simple and direct, therefore you will be able to fix the problem and enjoy a variety of apps without having any space issues.

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