30 Photos Proving Australia is the Most Insane Place Part 6

30 Photos Proving Australia is the Most Insane Place Part 6

26. Malo kingi a.k.a the common kingslayers, which is a type of Irukandji jellyfish. This is the most dangerous animal in Australia even though it's no bigger than a thumbnail. Its venom is 100x more potent than a cobra's.
Irukandji jellyfish. Perhaps the most dangerous creature in Australia, despite being no bigger than a thumbnail . - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
via imgur
27. Blue-ringed octopuses, which are the only known species of octopuses fatal to human beings. There is no known anti-venom.
File:Hapalochlaena lunulata2.JPG - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
via Wikipedia
28. Stonefish = Earth's most venomous fish
Danger! Stonefish, Earth's most venomous fish. - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
via Dive Buddy
29. What Stonefish look like camouflaged.
Extremely well camouflaged, stonefish look like an encrusted rock or lump of coral. - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
via Australian Museum
30. Even swimming holes have precautions.
Even bloody freshwater swim holes can be dangerous! - https://www.facebook.com/diplyofficial
via imgur

30 Photos Proving Australia is the Most Insane Place Part 6


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