How to: DIY Home Automation Tutorial

How to: DIY Home Automation Tutorial

Don’t know about you, but physically getting up and turning on my lights is far too much work. Home automation is surprisingly simple actually and we’ve compiled plenty of resources for you to create your own home of the future.

How to DIY Automation Projects:
  1. Automation products are incredibly expensive so you can pick up supplies way cheaperon eBay. Main brands include x10 automation and Insteon.
  2. On a budget? Learn to use your parrallel port to control your home.
  3. Linux lover? Use your skills to automate your home.
  4. For the occassional party or rave, the emergency party button is for you.
  5. Pimping your Christmas light display is a must.
  6. You can also remotely control your Tivo.
  7. Install a pop up TV hidden in your dresser.
  8. Automation can be accomplished with a basic microcontroller too.
Home Auomation Videos:

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