8.1 Problems Windows 8.1 Doesn’t Fix

8.1 Problems Windows 8.1 Doesn’t Fix

With new and appealing features like booting directly to the desktop, a refined app store and multi window mode for Modern apps, Windows 8.1 feels like a huge improvement over its predecessor. However, there’s a reason why Microsoft isn’t calling its upcoming operating system Windows 9 or even Windows 8.5. The changes Microsoft made are more evolutionary than revolutionary, with a lot of Windows 8′s usability problems still unaddressed.

Here are 8.1 problems of Windows 8 that the new operating system doesn’t solve.

Still No Start Menu

Perhaps the most controversial feature of Windows 8 is the new Start screen that replaces the traditional start menu and Start button. For traditional windows users who like to work on the desktop, being transported to another screen just to click a shortcut that brings them back to the desktop seems jarring. Usability expert Raluca Budiu has even called this sudden loss of context a "cognitive burden."

Microsoft heard user complaints but intsead of bringing back the old-fashioned Start menu in 8.1 it put a Start button in the lower right corner of the screen that takes you straight to the Windows 8 Start screen. This isn't much of an improvement, because users already had at least four different ways to get to the Start screen, including the previously invisible Start button that sat in the same space and appeared when you hovered the corner.

Source http://blog.laptopmag.com/windows-81-problems

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