Top Tricks you must know as an Admin of a Facebook Business Page

Top Tricks you must know as an Admin of a Facebook Business Page

When we come to a Business, It requires perfect or near to perfect social media marketing as well as SEO. And for Social media marketing Facebook Business Page is considered as a best platform.

As a Business manager you should have hired a Social media expert for your business promotion or you can do that yourself very easily, But you should must know that how to engage customers andsome tips & tricks as an administrator of your Facebook Business Page.

Here today I am going to tell you some tricks and tips that you must know as an administrator of a Facebook Business Page.

1. Show/Hide Message option from page fans:

As an administrator of Facebook Business page you will surely face some of the difficulties. Such as message spamming, which is a common thing now a days. But you can stop that kinda spamming from your Page’s inbox. here is a tutorial for doing so:

Step 1 is here:

facebook business page

Step 2 is here:

facebook business page

2. Scheduling Your Posts:

When it comes to the point of engagement with your customers a biggest hurdle which comes in that is “Time”, Because you also have to give time to your business management as well. For this purpose Facebook has introduced a new feature on Fan pages of ” Post Scheduling”. There are many reasons behind scheduling a post at your Facebook Business Page.

Here is a Pic explaining all the process but i will like to share main steps here:

  • Before Posting your post just click on the little Clock icon ate the left-bottom of your posting box.
  • After that just schedule that either you want to schedule post to same day or next day and you can even decide hours and minutes there.
  • And after that Just press Schedule button and you are done.

facebook business page scheduling a Post

3. Pinning or Highlighting a Post on your Facebook Business Page:

YOu can pin or highlight a specific post on your Business page. There is a slight difference between pinning and highlighting.

  • Pinning a Post means that, That specific post will remain at the top rank of your Business page and a ribbon will appear at the top right of your pinned post, and one more thing that your pinned post will remain pinned till 7 days of pinning.After that, pinned post will be un pinned automatically and you have to specify any other post as pinned post or re-pin that post to show it to the Top of your Business page just like as shown in Snapshot:

Before Pinning:

Before Pinning facebook business page

After Pinning:

After Pinning facebook business page

  • Highlighting a Post means to make that post wider in width and show on the whole width of Page. You can do that as shown in Snapshots:

Before Highlighting:

Before Highlighting facebook business page

After Highlighting:

After highlighting facebook business page

4.Promote Your Post:

f you want your Business to get more exposure on Facebook than Promoting a post is worth using. So basically what is promoting your post?
It is a new feature of Facebook for its users too share the post with a large number of audience in a little price. It may cost you $5- $20 depending on your place of residence in some cases and also your needs and Money you want to spend. You can do this easily, just follow this Tutorial:

  • Click on the Promote Button at the bottom of your Post box.
  • choose your budget and promote your post.
  • Let me show you in a screen shot:

Promote your post on Facebook business page

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