HP has launched a new tablet-like device, the DreamScreen 100 and 130. The DreamScreen's feature-set seems peculiar to me, and Gizmodo describes it as a digital picture frame with media streaming. It allows you to stream photos, music and videos as well as connect to Pandora, Facebook and Snapfish.
Priced at $250, the DreamScreen 100 is available now and features a 10.2" 800x480 (16:9) display, 2GB of storage (1.5GB useable), 2 USB ports, a 6-in-2 card reader, 10/100 LAN and 802.11 b/g connectivity, built-in speakers and a headphone jack. Meanwhile, the 130 model will ship with a 13.3" screen for $300 later this fall.
The device supports a variety of popular media formats, including MPEG 1, 2 and 4, AVI, M-Jpeg, H.264, MP4, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, MP3, WMA, AAC, and WAV. As for a distinct purpose: I'm not sure. Would you pay $250-plus for the DreamScreen, and if so, how would you make use of it?