Facebook called trusted friends feature to restore the account breached

Facebook called trusted friends feature to restore the account breached

facebookcontacts فيس بوك يطلق ميزة الأصدقاء الموثوقين لإستعادة الحساب المخترقInternet services continues to recently developed major advantages of security and protection to its users, despite the fact that Facebook has launched a two-step verification feature nearly two years ago, but today comes a new feature to improve the level of security, more protection and called this feature reliable contacts.
This feature works through the selection of three to five trusted friends from you and add them as a reliable connection points, and if your account has been compromised on Facebook or forgotten password, can be trusted these friends to help retrieve your account.

This new feature is a way to answer the secret question, which usually requires the user to answer it in case I forgot my password or dictate a specific form to retrieve the password and reset it.

And when they require to take advantage of the Facebook feature will send a security code to your trusted friends and you get them in order to restore your account.

This feature can be activated via the Security and Protection Section in the Account Settings page, but remember that these people choose carefully and be close to you.
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