Auto shut down of computer is really a handy need especially, when user left their laptop or personal computer for disk fragmentation, virus scan, downloading huge stuff like movie, or any other document that consumes lot of time or any other activity that usually do not require users time or users attention. So, in such situations, it is better to use auto shot command for shut down of the computer.
Leaving the personal computer or laptop idle connecting to the internet for a night is an open invitation to the virus or to the Trojan horses to invade your laptop or personal computer. So, it is very necessary to shut down computer after completing the above mentioned activities.
So, there are some steps that help you in the auto shut down of the computer by using the prompt command. Here are the steps for the auto shut down of the computer:
- Click the start button. This is a very first step. In the step, you just have to click the start button.
- After clicking the start button, search engine appears on the screen. The thing that you have to do in the second step is to type the “cmd” into the search engine box. This is the second step of the auto shut down process of the computer.
- As soon as the command is highlighted, press enter key. This is the third step in the process.
After doing so, black background appears on the screen. Now, the users have to type the code in the prompt box. Always make sure, the codes that you have typed in the prompt box is correct, if you typed wrong code then trick wound not work at all.
For example:
If you desire to shut down your laptop or personal computer, say after one hour then the code can be used in this manner:
shutdown.exe /s /t 3600
In this way, you can use auto shut down personal computer command and shut down your computer as and when needed.
Additional tip:
Here are some additional tips that should always be keep in mind by the user of the personal computer or laptop while using the auto shut down command; which are as follows:
- Always take care about spacing while typing code in the prompt box.
- Use comma or dot in an appropriate manner.
- Always take care about the units of the time. As you have seen in the above example, time is used in seconds. So, always remember, use time unit in seconds. If you type time in minute or in hour then code would not work.
So, these are some useful and important point that should ways be kept in mind before typing code in the prompt search box for the auto shut down of the personal computer or laptop.
So, follow the above mentioned step for the auto shut down of the personal computer as per your desire and protect your personal computer from harmful virus and Trojan horse.
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